Saturday, February 25, 2012

Project Planning - Whiteboards are My Friend

It may be coincidence, but my career as an Instructional Designer, has taken an amazing turn since beginning my Master's of Instructional Design and Technology in October 2011.  My title changed to Instructional Designer in July 2011, which became my motivation to find a Master's program that would give me the knowledge and skills to meet the new challenges coming my way.  As I begin my third class at Walden University, my role at work has evolved to make me the Blended Learning Instructional Designer.  Much work, planning, and proof of skill has gone into this change - although I still have trouble believing that I'm where I hoped to be a year ago.  Now, however, comes the exciting challenge of making a big shift in a large district.  The directive has been made that all High School teachers will be implementing a Blended Learning model (a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning) using the Blackboard learning management system.  The plan will roll out over the next 3-4 years and I am working to analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate the program.  But how do you wrap your mind around a large and important initiative?  The success of my plan will be directly related to the success of my career, no pressure...  I have turned to one of my favorite planning tools, the whiteboard.  In my office building we have many professional development rooms and they all have walls covered with white boards.  I'll continue to post progress of the planning of this initiative.  But, does anyone have tools that they like to use for instructional designing?

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